Percy Julian - Black Inventor

Percy Julian was a pioneering Black inventor whose discoveries and innovations revolutionized several fields, including chemistry, medicine, and agriculture. Despite facing significant barriers due to racism and discrimination, Julian's persistence and ingenuity helped him achieve groundbreaking accomplishments that continue to impact society to this day.

In this blog post, we'll explore Percy Julian's life, contributions, and legacy, highlighting some of his most significant achievements and the obstacles he overcame.

Early Life and Education

Percy Lavon Julian was born on April 11, 1899, in Montgomery, Alabama, during a time when racial segregation and discrimination were widespread across the United States. Despite growing up in a society that viewed Black people as second-class citizens, Julian's parents instilled in him a love of education and a deep appreciation for knowledge.

Julian attended DePauw University in Indiana, where he was one of only two Black students in his class. Despite facing discrimination and being denied access to many opportunities, Julian excelled academically, earning a bachelor's degree in chemistry with honors in 1920. He later went on to earn a master's degree in chemistry from Harvard University and a Ph.D. in organic chemistry from the University of Vienna in Austria.

Innovations and Discoveries

Throughout his career, Julian made numerous groundbreaking discoveries and innovations that had a profound impact on several fields. One of his most significant contributions was the development of a synthetic version of the hormone cortisone, which is used to treat inflammation and other medical conditions.

Julian's synthesis of cortisone was a major breakthrough, as it made the hormone more widely available and affordable, helping to treat conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis and asthma. He also developed other synthetic compounds, including physostigmine, a treatment for glaucoma, and progesterone, a hormone used in birth control pills.

In addition to his work in medicine, Julian also made significant contributions to agriculture. He developed a process for extracting soy protein that made it a more viable and cost-effective alternative to animal protein, helping to address food shortages during World War II.

Overcoming Adversity

Throughout his life, Julian faced significant barriers and obstacles due to racism and discrimination. Despite being highly qualified and accomplished, he was often denied access to educational and career opportunities because of his race.

For example, when Julian applied to graduate school at Harvard, he was initially rejected because of the university's unwritten policy of not accepting Black students. He eventually gained admission after the intervention of one of his former professors, but he still faced discrimination and hostility from some faculty members.

Despite these challenges, Julian persevered, and his contributions helped to break down barriers and pave the way for future generations of Black scientists and inventors.

Legacy and Recognition

Percy Julian's contributions to science, medicine, and agriculture have had a profound and lasting impact. His synthetic versions of cortisone, physostigmine, and progesterone have helped to treat countless patients, while his work on soy protein has helped to feed millions of people around the world.

In recognition of his achievements, Julian received numerous awards and honors throughout his life, including the Spingarn Medal from the NAACP and the National Medal of Science from President Jimmy Carter in 1979.

Today, Percy Julian's legacy continues to inspire and influence new generations of scientists and inventors. His story is a testament to the power of perseverance and the importance of diversity and inclusivity in science and innovation.


Percy Julian was a pioneering Black inventor whose discoveries and innovations helped to transform several fields, including chemistry, medicine, and agriculture. Despite facing significant barriers and discrimination throughout his life, Julian's persistence and ingenuity enabled him to achieve groundbreaking accomplishments that continue to impact society to this day.


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